Extracting GPS Data from world-borders_nl.kml

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Extracting GPS Data from world-borders_nl.kml

Post by pferland »

I needed a border lines for the new KML Export that I am working on and I came across http://www.gelib.com/world-borders.htm.

Downloaded the file that is there and loaded it up into Google Earth.

Right click on the Countries folder and click Save Place As
saveas.png (19.81 KiB) Viewed 31971 times
Save it as a KML file, not a KMZ.
window.png (10.97 KiB) Viewed 31971 times
Copy the Countries.kml file to the /tools/kml/ folder in wifidb.

Run the [url=https://github.com/pferland/WiFiDB/blob ... romKML.php[/url] script and it will populate the boundaries table in the wifi database.

Code: Select all

MariaDB [wifi]> select id, name from boundaries limit 10;
| id | name        |
|  1 | Afghanistan |
|  2 | Albania     |
|  3 | Algeria     |
|  4 | Andorra     |
|  5 | Angola      |
|  6 | Angola      |
|  7 | Antarctica  |
|  8 | Antarctica  |
|  9 | Antarctica  |
| 10 | Antarctica  |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Now the export process once completed will use this to make country borders and enable the zoom levels of view for the new Export KML.
The best acceleration you can get on a Mac is 9.8ms^2
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