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Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. Error

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:22 pm
by Acctrop
I put all the Infos together. So it will be easier for new Users to find them.

Works with Vista x64 and Windows 7 x64 as well.

If you have connection Errors with Vistumbler and your GPS COM-Port here is a workaround:

- Start Vistumbler,
- Go to Settings,
- Open Misc-Tab
- Deselect the Checkbox "Automatically Check For Updates"
- Deselect the Checkbox "Check For Beta Updates"
- Open GPS-Tab and select Netcomm OCX x32
- Apply and Exit Vistumbler

You need two files:

Windows Vista x64
- Download both files, and extract them to C:\Windows\System32\

Windows 7 x64
- Download both files
- Extract MSCOMM32.OCX to C:\Windows\System32\
- Extract NETComm.ocx to C:\

Windows 8 x64 (Added by ACalcutt)
- Download both files
- Extract MSCOMM32.OCX to C:\
- Extract NETComm.ocx to C:\

There are two ways for the next step, i recommend the second way.

First Method:
Deactive UAC (Windows 7)
- Follow this instructions ... windows-7/

Deactive UAC (Windows Vista)
- Open "msconfig" [Start - Run - cmd - msconfig]
- Go to "Tools"
- Scroll down to "Disable UAC" and press "Launch".
- You will see a command-promt predirected to the "System32" folder.

Enter the following lines and press "Enter"

Windows Vista x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx

Windows 7 x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
cd /
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx

Windows 8 x64(Added by ACalcutt)
cd /
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Update (Thx to Andrew): Another way without deactivating UAC is:

Second Method:
1.)Type "cmd" into the start menu search. You should see "cmd.exe" in the found programs. Right click "cmd.exe" and choose "Run as administrator"
2.)Run the two register commands in the command prompt

Windows Vista x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx

Windows 7 x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
cd /
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx

Windows 8 x64(Added by ACalcutt)
cd /
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Open Vistumbler and try to connect to your GPS-Device.


Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:26 am
by ACalcutt
Deactive UAC
- Open "msconfig" [Start - Run - cmd - msconfig]
- Go to "Tools"
- Scroll down to "Disable UAC" and press "Launch".
- You will see a command-promt predirected to the "System32" folder.

Enter the following lines and press "Enter"

Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
For this step you should be able to leave UAC enabled as long as you open the command prompt with elevated rights. The easiest way to do this is to make a shortcut to cmd, then right click on it and "run as administrator"

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 6:02 pm
by ACalcutt
There is now another option for x64 users that I would recommend trying first. There is now a "Kernel32" Comm Interface option (Settings --> GPS Settings) that should work without making any changes. From my testing this interface works with both x32 and x64 and does not have the stability problems that CommMG has.

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:55 pm
by uskiwi
I am running Windows 7 and only see
change UAC settings and then a cmd line that points to C:\Windows\System32\UserAccountControlSettings.exe. Is this where you enter

Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:20 pm
by ACalcutt
For windows 7 (or vista) you shouldn't need to turn UAC off to do this as long as you open command prompt with administrative rights

1.)Type "cmd" into the start menu search. You should see "cmd.exe" in the found programs. Right click "cmd.exe" and choose "Run as administrator"
2.)Run the two register commands in the command prompt
Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx

If you really want to disable UAC, you are right they changed it in Windows 7. It not has more options (a sliding scale) instead of just on or off. That UserAccountControlSettings.exe you found is the new UAC control panel. To turn UAC off you just turn the slider down to "Never notify"

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:19 pm
by testman
Hello guys,
i tried to work with vistumbler and gps in windows 7.

You can read my configuration and errors here: ... ?f=8&t=484

so i tried this way to get it to work:
ACalcutt wrote:For windows 7 (or vista) you shouldn't need to turn UAC off to do this as long as you open command prompt with administrative rights

1.)Type "cmd" into the start menu search. You should see "cmd.exe" in the found programs. Right click "cmd.exe" and choose "Run as administrator"
2.)Run the two register commands in the command prompt
Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
after i used Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
there comes up a popup "registration successful"
but the second line Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
shows the following error:

please tell me what i'm doing wrong ;(
thank you all

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:01 pm
by ACalcutt
I only translated the end of that...but its saying the module wasn't found. did you put netcomm.ocx into your system32 directory?

Does it work is you specify the full path (eg. Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\NETComm.ocx)

Edit: I translated the rest just so i knew the who error
Error loading module "NetComm.ocx"

Make sure that the binaries are stored at the specified path, or to debug the file to exclude problem with the binary file or dependent DLL files

The specified module could not be found

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:32 pm
by ACalcutt
It looks like MSCOMM32.ocx has some dlls it needs. I am on x64, so it may be a little different for me...but i will see if i can get it working if i get the missing dlls
mscomdep.jpg (275.57 KiB) Viewed 283919 times

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:25 am
by ACalcutt
Hmm...didn't have any luck getting it to work on my machine. Maybe this no longer works with Windows 7?

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:35 am
by Acctrop
I tried this workaround with Windows 7 too and failed at the same point. I will add another Workaround for 7 :-)

Re: Workaround for Windows Vista x64 and GPS Connection Error

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:40 am
by testman
Thank you for your ideas, especially Acctrop!
After i put it in C:
not in C:/windows/system32 it works very well!
it registers now and i can activate the netcomm function in vistumbler!

Re: Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. Error

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:39 am
by ACalcutt
glad to see you go it working, strange it worked when in c:

Re: Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. Error

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:04 pm
by ACalcutt
I made this because i figured it may help people in the future

This file will place MSCOMM32.ocx and NETCOMM.ocx onto the C:\ drive and registers them
(342.45 KiB) Downloaded 4711 times
The files needed are included inside the EXE, so you don't need to do anything but run Install_Netcomm_Win7.exe

I included the 4 line sourcecode (nothing special really), but if you want to recompile you will need to put MSCOMM32.ocx and NETCOMM.ocx into the same directory (before compiling)

Re: Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. Error

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:52 pm
by Freebe
The Problem with Windows 7 is it has two parts to it, one under windows7 64bit and one under windows7 32bit.
It seems to me that by putting it under C: you or it is the setting it up in the 32bit part. ( not true w7 ) i found a small proggi that helps setup things in windows 7 > Enter > HDWWIZ.EXE now follow the instructions.

Re: Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. Error

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:10 pm
by ACalcutt
Ya, I did notice that when i tried to register those files originally. I ended up registering them using x32 AutoIT so it used WOW32 to register the files, which gave me the error that testman got above (except in english).

I'm not sure why moving the files to c: works, but I'm not going to argue with results

Re: Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. E

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:08 am
by alexiarudolf
Bullshit! There is no limit of 2 half-open connections in vista home premium. More over this limit is not per sec. People please don’t waste your time downloading crap. This limit is removed in Vista SP2 anyways. Check Microsoft Website.
Thanks, i am already using Windows 7 Home Premium and this trouble is not appearing with me. BTW if you are having Vista Data Corruption then you can take the help of Disk Recovery Vista application.

Re: Workaround: Windows Vista x64 & and 7 x64 GPS Connect. E

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:21 pm
by Darison
I had this problem on the other machine and updating to SP2 did the trick for me, just in case someone encountered the same problem!
