Works with Vista x64 and Windows 7 x64 as well.
If you have connection Errors with Vistumbler and your GPS COM-Port here is a workaround:
- Start Vistumbler,
- Go to Settings,
- Open Misc-Tab
- Deselect the Checkbox "Automatically Check For Updates"
- Deselect the Checkbox "Check For Beta Updates"
- Open GPS-Tab and select Netcomm OCX x32
- Apply and Exit Vistumbler
You need two files:
Windows Vista x64
- Download both files, and extract them to C:\Windows\System32\
Windows 7 x64
- Download both files
- Extract MSCOMM32.OCX to C:\Windows\System32\
- Extract NETComm.ocx to C:\
Windows 8 x64 (Added by ACalcutt)
- Download both files
- Extract MSCOMM32.OCX to C:\
- Extract NETComm.ocx to C:\
There are two ways for the next step, i recommend the second way.
First Method:
Update (Thx to Andrew): Another way without deactivating UAC is:Deactive UAC (Windows 7)
- Follow this instructions ... windows-7/
Deactive UAC (Windows Vista)
- Open "msconfig" [Start - Run - cmd - msconfig]
- Go to "Tools"
- Scroll down to "Disable UAC" and press "Launch".
- You will see a command-promt predirected to the "System32" folder.
Enter the following lines and press "Enter"
Windows Vista x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Windows 7 x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
cd /
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Windows 8 x64(Added by ACalcutt)
cd /
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Second Method:
Open Vistumbler and try to connect to your GPS-Device.1.)Type "cmd" into the start menu search. You should see "cmd.exe" in the found programs. Right click "cmd.exe" and choose "Run as administrator"
2.)Run the two register commands in the command prompt
Windows Vista x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
Regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
Regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Windows 7 x64
cd C:\Windows\System32\
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
cd /
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx
Windows 8 x64(Added by ACalcutt)
cd /
regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX
regsvr32 NETComm.ocx