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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by pferland »

finished some of the basic Front end stuff, more info over at the thread
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by pferland »

I was just thinking phil... your going to need a new name for the WiFiDB soon... Your going to be storing more than APs now
I like WiFiDB, that and I cant think of anything else to name it. :|

Also I thought you said that you added the additional fields to GPX file. I added support for them, and if they are not present in the file, it defaults to the parsed ones from the description field
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

I have, but I haven't posted it to svn or the forum yet. I'll have to post it later today.
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by pferland »

I didn't know if you had gone and created a format for CSV layouts yet, but I did. :wink:
Take a look and change what you like. I just wanted to get something defined so I could start making the CSV import function.

( had to throw it in a zip, forum doesn't like CSV files :( )
Draft Mysticache CSV
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Remember Andrew, anythig you add to CSV you will want to duplicate in the add/edit waypoints.

I Thought I would try a few simple mods to alpha6, like adding a space between the DD and MM.MMMM input and output strings to learn AuIT... Found the strings, but not certain on how to add the " " , will the string have to be split again into $1 and $2... then insert +" "+ between the strings and then recombine the strings?

I have said before, I know Basic Basic, So I am not totally lost.. just been a while since I coded...
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Yeah, re: csv and forums.. I have started to encapsulate everything in a .zip coating. helps it slide down ;)
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by pferland »

I think I'm going to start doing the same thing, also makes it smaller and easier to download over a slow pipe, like here at work. :cry:

Andrew, what are you going to do for a domain if you no longer use vistumbler as the name? That and doesnt take to kindly to Project name changes. :?
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

Mystic, I already added the a DMM format that has the space. It was in alpha 6. (see my gps format in alpha 6 here ... php?id=413)

If it does not have the space, close mysticache and open the settings.ini. Look for GpsFormat under [GpsSettings] and make sure it says 4. If it is 3 it is DMM without the space.

there will be an option eventually, but right now thats the only way you can set it.
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

Heres the update i said i would post earlier

Added new columns
Changed the way GPX/LOC import worked to create a more compatible file, but also has support for notes.

these new fields will be added to the add/edit waypoint gui. this release mainly focused on importing and exporting
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

Basically if you were looking at the code you will notice that all gps values that display somewhere are surrounded by _GpsFormat().

Internally I always use the DDMM.MMMM format (eg "N 4136.0000" or "E 7176.0000" format). I convert from that format to whatever the users preference is with the _GpsFormat() function

Code: Select all

Func _GpsFormat($gps);Converts ddmm.mmmm to the users set gps format
	If $GpsFormat = 1 Then $return = _Format_GPS_DMM_to_DDD($gps)
	If $GpsFormat = 2 Then $return = _Format_GPS_DMM_to_DMS($gps)
	If $GpsFormat = 3 Then $return = $gps
	If $GpsFormat = 4 Then $return = _Format_GPS_DMM_to_D_MM($gps)
	Return ($return)
EndFunc   ;==>_GpsFormat
to get DMM with a space like you wanted (DDD MM.MMMM "N 41 36.0000") The $GpsFormat variable has to be equal to 4, which uses The _Format_GPS_DMM_to_D_MM() function.

Code: Select all

Func _Format_GPS_DMM_to_D_MM($gps)
	Local $return = "N 0.0000"
	If $gps = "N 0.0000" Or $gps = "E 0.0000" Then
		$return = $gps
		$spga = StringSplit($gps, ".")
		If $spga[0] = 2 Then
			$DM = $spga[1]
			$MMMM = $spga[2]
			$d = StringTrimRight($DM, 2)
			$m = StringTrimLeft($DM, StringLen($DM) - 2)
			$return = $d & ' ' & $m & '.' & $MMMM
	Return ($return)
EndFunc   ;==>_Format_GPS_DMM_to_D_MM
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Ah ha! I thought it would be something like that, I just wan't sure of the syntax.. Thanks 'Drew!
I'll see if I can get time to mess wit hthis next week.. got 4 kids this weekend.. well, you know the chaos inherent in that! PHEW!
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by pferland »

not really, I tend to try and avoid things that make me want to go and commit multiple homicide afterwards :lol:
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

ha ha ha ha ha ... I wae suprised this moring... I did not wake up to "MOM! Stephen's touching me!!"
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

Ok, I've decided to consider this version a beta since it has should have everything working now

All fields in the listview are now settable in Add/Edit waypoint GUIs
Delete waypoint button now works
Added "Clear All" option into the edit menu
Added "New session" option to the file menu
Added "Open Waypoint Link" option to the extra menu
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

kewl andrew, thank you..
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

will try field tests next week...
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Ran MC a bit this morning... Everything is working it seems. Ummm I think we can go ahead and post it to sourceforge and link through other projects for now. I will see about spreading word to distribute.
Ummm I Will also see what I can do to come up with a logo for it.
The normal colorscheme for geocaching software and such is a logo with red, blue, yellow and green background quadrents ummm... I will spend some time with paint and GIMP and see what I can come up with.

Now the REAL bear is going to be tutorials and help info... I just downloaded a video screencap app that outputs to SFW. I really wishing my kids hadn't destroyed my headphones with the boom mike i could have added voice
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

I'm thinking for now I'll make a webpage for mysticache on my techidiots domain. (maybe ). I just need to get the motivation to make a webpage for it.
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Umm give me outline and I can work on it. I will need SOMETHING to do while wife is in recovery. Ill start the screencaps today
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

I haven't started to think of a design yet. If you can think of a layout you want (even a pic or something) just let me know. I do agree that we need a logo also.
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Umm I am about halfway through with the screencaps.. took a nap and the helped boys hide n seek eachother... I think I will finish that tommorrow... What file format you prefer for your webpages? I am exporting from Gimp to JPG as default
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

I prefer PNG images. They are less lossy
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

Is this link working externally now?
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

Moved this post into the new Mysticache category.
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

External link is working fine
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

well, had a somewhat disappointing day of geocaching. Mysticache is still a bit cumbersome to use. The compass especially so. The two bearing lines are nice but most GPSr's just use the direction to the cache. Cachers are used to having cache bearing relative to forward, not north. Having to also watch on line on the main GUI to read bearing and distance is informational overload.

So here are my recommendations

-Remove the cardinals from the compass rose
-Fix the black line to vertical postion
-Add readouts for bearing and range
-Set initial range circle settings to 1, 2,4,8,10 meters and add a scale multiplier button to increase values by 10x & 100x with an indicator OR if it is easier to code, Autoscaling with indicator.

BTW I had other issues NOT mysticache related that added to my bad day.. Inadvertantly left my handheld at home, out of date aerial Google earth imagery, Wife more involved with texting and chatting on her celly than caching and to top it off, my 20ozSprite spilled itself all inside my caching bag ARRGH!

I emailed asking to have our efforts linked in their software links section. I also did a light spamming in my local geocaching club forums. Hmmm... Need to start a debate at my page on the fine line of spamming...
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by ACalcutt »

The problem with using those low distance values for the range circles is that the are within the error range. GPS can be 10 - 30 meters off depending on conditions

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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

I know they are... but cachers are good at mentally tossing out the "exceptional" fixes.. Taking the "mode" of the data..
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

Ummm if I can find a decent algorithm, perhaps we could code this into the app? would help damp the CEP fluctuations. From what I gathered, one odd number of data pointsand using the most common value. I think this can work with either numerically or as a $tring function...
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

YEah generate 2 string arrays one lat one long, strip the decimals, sort the list ascending... this is where I get stuck.. havent figgured how to compare the values to determine which values occur most often in the list.

Umkm how are you at translating C? I found some C based algorithms to determine modality... Perhaps they can be translated over to AutoIT? I just registered to the AutoIt forums, perhaps somone has already generated a script?
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

well, I decided that the whole statistical mode finding thing is just too hard for AutoIT ATM. Gonna backburnner it for version 4 LOL
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by BoBeR182 »

Great to see a new project start hope you will still bea dding features to vistumbler tho
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Re: Project Mysticache

Post by pferland »

If you have any ideas for Andrew to add, post them over in the requests section.
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Project Mysticache

Post by arizonajon »

TO further explore my problem with GPS sentence parsing in VStum, I downloaded Mysticache this morning and tested it on the same machine, assuming it's using the same code to read the GPS.

Flawless operation. GPS appears to read just fine and reliably. I wish I was still into geocaching!

However, I still can't figure out why the GPS read is resetting every 30 seconds in VStum.

Cheers - Jon
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