GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

Post by arizonajon »

Hi Andrew -
I recently upgraded the truck PC to a new MoBo (ASRock Q1900) and Windows 10 Pro. It's a 64-bit system. I installed Vistumbler, Franson GPSGate Splitter, and all my other usual software, like I had on the former truck computer, a Windows 7 box on a 32-bit machine.
For about 2 weeks, Vistumbler "seemed" to be working ok, and now I'm not really sure since what I'm seeing is invisible unless I'm watching the GPS readout (not easy while driving).
The setup uses the same GPS I've been using for years, a Skytraq Venus module with serial output to COM5 on the PC. GPSgate Splitter takes the data on COM5 and duplicates it on virtual COM7 and COM8. Vistumbler uses COM8 and my mapping s/w uses COM7. Originally, I was running the GPS in default mode at 19200 kbps, with all the usual sentences.
The issue appears to be that Vistumbler slowly loses the capability to read the GPS stream. I've turned on the debug COM port function, and even open the GPS Details display to watch what's going on. When I start the PC, I can use either the mapping s/w or the GPS configuration tool to watch the GPS stream over on COM8, and it looks absolutely reliable. However, Vistumbler appears to be having an issue processing the sentences, in GPS Details lots of the sentences are truncated, and even the ones that don't appear truncated, Vistumbler slowly seems to lose the ability to process and derive the location. I say slowly, but it's more unpredictable than that - often, when I start a log, it could take 5-20 seconds to update the lat/lon fields, sometimes 1 sec, sometimes never. But usually, the GPS status line is always showing 0/30 like the s/w thinks its getting packets. Other times, the GPS status line times out (10 sec), the GPS button goes red, and when I re-enable the GPS, it goes right back to green.
What will happen is that the GPS data no longer seems to be read successfully by Vistumbler, but it continues to record APs and auto-save the log file. This means that I could have entire logs with one GPS location (the first one) and every AP at the same location. That's why I say that I'm not sure when this started, as I don't normally watch the GPS coordinates to ensure that GPS is updating. And at the same time, the apps connected to the other vitrual com port are updating every GPS cycle, as they should.
This past week, I really started noticing the problem. There can be good times when everything works fine for several minutes, then there could be 30-60 seconds when, although I'm seeing the 0/30 status flash by every second or two, the lat/lon display values never update. I have GPS pinning turned off, but in any event I can be driving at any speed and there's not GPS update on Vistumbler while the other s/w is performing as expected.
I've switched the virtual com ports, I've re-installed the COM port splitter, I've modified the GPS output to reduce it to 9600 baud and just GGA and RMC sentences, thinking that maybe I was overloading a Vistumbler buffer, but no real difference. For years, I'd been running 19200 baud and all the sentences, and Vistumbler never appeared to suffer.
Once Vistumbler clearly stops processing GPS successfully (when I can see that after several minutes and miles that there's no change), the only solution that seems to work is to reboot the PC. I've tried rebooting Vistumbler, but that doesn't make a difference.
Any ideas? Have your heard of this happening before?
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Pushed my Wi-Fi AP count to over 5 million now!

I eventually discovered that the Q1900 mobo didn't support Windows 10. It was weird, it could be just fine as a server or for web browsing, but as soon as I put demands on it for I/O stuff (GPS, camera, Wi-Fi sniffing, touch screen, etc) it would get all balky. I dropped a note to ASRock and they suggested that instead of the Q1900 I go with the J4105-ITX, so I ordered one of those and 8 GB RAM, and man, that thing smokes!

I'm getting about 6x the performance of the old truck PC (D2550 dual-core) and pulling barely 9 W at 12 vdc while driving. Runs beautifully. And I also got a new Xenarc 10" touch screen display which has really made it easy to see the screen in daylight.

Cheers and 73 - Jon N7UV
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

Post by ACalcutt »

Hey Jon, Happy new year!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I actually had the same gps issue with the last tablet I tried to buy (I forget the model, but it was rugged with actual usb ports). everything would seem good when it started but it eventually would just not get a location (incomplete sentences like you said). I also concluded it was a hardware thing, because it couldn't even get a fix in the chipset manufactures software. I was actually thinking it was a overheating issue myself, but it sounds like the same issue. It stinks manufactures kind of dropped the ball on full tablets with gps...they are pretty rare it seems, and the few are either bad quality or high in price. these days I am mostly using my phone with the wigle's wifi scanner, but because I can just pull my phone out and use it, and the wifidb supports its format. if I go on a trip i usually run vistumbler on my old asus tablel with gps because it scans more frequently than android, but that tablet has seen better days.

Here I've been messing with home automation using lately. playing with wifi smart bulbs, plugs, alexa/ecobee,433mhz remotes. Initially I was just playing with some bulbs and the smart life app. Setting them up with the smart life app should take less than a minute, but it just would not detect them when using my old asus router. I eventually figured out it worked right away with a old WRT54G i had laying around, so initially i had to use that to set them up which was annoying. I ended up upgrading my wifi with a ubiquity ap, which I have been pretty happy with (I like the extra stats I can get with the unify management). I'm still not exactly sure why they wouldn't work with the asus. Now I'm not sure the initial wifi issue I had would matter much... I am flashing all my bulbs and plugs with tasmota firmware and connecting it to a local server over MQTT, so they no longer need that smart life app I had so much issue but I enjoy the 802.11ac upgrade anyway

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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

Post by arizonajon »

hey Andrew - thanks for the info on Had never heard of it, just spent the last 30 min at the site and checking on the buttload of features and additions that one can do. Looks like home automation can become a full-time occupation with that stuff!

UBNT stuff is generally pretty nice. I have one of their EdgeRouters as my router/firewall for the house, directly downstream of the cable modem. Mine is the 2 port version, so one port goes to the home network and the other will someday be to a VPN server so I can VPN into the house. I use their Nanobridges and Powerbeams to pull network connections 20-40 miles. Like u say, the UI is way more useful than a lot of the stuff on the market, and it's hard to beat the price.

In terms of regular routers, I only go with ones that I can flash to DD-WRT. I have a lot of trouble dealing with a bunch of different UIs depending on what router I use, and the dd-wrt stuff for me has been rock-solid for nearly a decade. In fact, last week I needed a new main AP for another location, bought one of the Linksys WRT-3200 router/AP devices, and in 30 min it was full dd-wrt.

Back to home automation - I'm not really comfortable with the idea of an Alexa or Google thingee in the house and monitoring everything. Is there a way with to set up everything so that it's all mostly localized, and let everything else stay behind firewall? I did play with a Nest thermostat about 7 years ago, it was really nice to be able to bump the house temp up or down as required when I was about to get on the flight home, and by the time I'd get home the house would usually be to a reasonable temp. I also had some Hue smart bulbs, but they must have gotten thrown out sometime. I still have the controller for that, the one that uses (I think) a Zigbee Home Lighting profile or something similar.

I just installed a IP PTZ camera on the carport, and got it running this afternoon. It's a no-name chinese camera, but the image quality is pretty decent and at about 2400x1300 (16x9) resolution, and 30x analog zoom, it's not bad for $150. I see that has some potential methods of interfacing to cameras like that, so maybe I'll do an experiment one of these days.

Anyway, good luck on that front, and if I start getting something together I'll let you know!

Cheers and 73 - Jon N7UV
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Back to home automation - I'm not really comfortable with the idea of an Alexa or Google thingee in the house and monitoring everything. Is there a way with to set up everything so that it's all mostly localized, and let everything else stay behind firewall? I did play with a Nest thermostat about 7 years ago, it was really nice to be able to bump the house temp up or down as required when I was about to get on the flight home, and by the time I'd get home the house would usually be to a reasonable temp. I also had some Hue smart bulbs, but they must have gotten thrown out sometime. I still have the controller for that, the one that uses (I think) a Zigbee Home Lighting profile or something similar.
That is the main reason I went with I didn't want to rely on the cloud to control my local devices. can mix local devices and ones that need the cloud. For all my smart bulbs and power monitoring plug switches I flashed a firmware called tasmota, which I can then control locally with the MQTT protocol. I think the only two devices I have that requires the internet are my ecobee thermostat and alexa (which are actually the same device)

check out this repository of devices that can be flashed with tasmota ( ). I wrote down my steps to flash the bulbs I have over wifi with tuya-convert ( ... -assistant )

Also, while I'm not much of a fan of having a device always listening, I have been liking the alexa integrations. its nice setting up routines the do certain actions. for example, " Alexa, Goodnight" I set up to turn of everything and turn on the bed lights to 50%" or Alexa, Hello turns on the lights i need when i get home.
Looks like home automation can become a full-time occupation with that stuff!
You really could. I've spent about two months and I'm finally pretty happy with the setup. I have pretty much all my stereos, tvs, and lights controlled by I set up rf remotes around the house and control their actions with NodeRed, which is a nice visual flow diagram
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Hey Guys
Today I would drive to the City but it dont work. For any reason the open the GPS Port and than nothing. I see in the GPS Windows some Numbers and so on but the dont get a fix. So what could be wrong?
I use a Tablet with Windows 10 who sucks a lot.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Is it a ublox gps? I had issues like that that ended up being a compatibility issue between ublox and windows 10. I switched to using a "GlobalSat ND-105C Micro USB GPS" and it fixed my problems for the most part (though I do notice it sometimes takes a bit to get a fix)

Unfortunately I don't think this is vistumbler issue, since If i use the gps with other programs (like GpsGate), the gps doesn't get a fix there either.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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yes the are quite the best on the market.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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If it is a ublox gps, are you able to download ucenter and see if you get a fix there? when I had this problem I couldn't even get a fix there, and it is their software.

When I search I see a lot of reports of ublox gps's that worked fine in previous OSs, not work at Windows 10 1909 (and maybe above)
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Sure I did have a fix there. The Receiver work perfect for me.
Only Vistumbler have trouble to get a fix.
Maybe some shit in Win10 ist blocking that?
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Is this a built in GPS or a USB one? Have you double checked your com settings in 'Settings -> GPS Settings'. Nothing else is using the com port you are trying to use with vistumbler right? If you go to Extra -> GPS details do you see any data coming in there?
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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ACalcutt wrote: Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:13 pm Is this a built in GPS or a USB one? Have you double checked your com settings in 'Settings -> GPS Settings'. Nothing else is using the com port you are trying to use with vistumbler right? If you go to Extra -> GPS details do you see any data coming in there?
Both but I want use the USB one. Yes that works. Sure that works. Maybe I will buy the GPS Splitter later when the work as intend.
I see in the Line above some Number and other stuff who look like raw Data but the dont decode anything. Maybe its in the Ublox Mode?
Normally all Software can decode them to. With the original Ublox Software I see when I get a fix. (Sure I close them before I use vistumbler.)

Can Win10 block anything? I hate that sshhtttt OS that much!

EDIT: I try to use on my Win7 Pc and the dont work either. :shock: Its Port 11 and the say cant open Port with Kernel32x
With "commMG" I see this:
Unbenannt.JPG (9.78 KiB) Viewed 56658 times
but no Data in the GPS Window or a fix.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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I think I know what your issue is. The Kernel32 method has trouble if the comm port is above Com 9. If you manually go set your com port to be COM9 or lower it will likely work (Device Manager --> Ports --> (Right Click your com port) --> Port Settings -> Advanced (Change your com port to COM9 or under))

Then CommMG method actually looks like it is working because that GNGGL sentence you see is data from your GPS. You would get a fix as soon as a GPGGA sentance is sent from you gps with valid data. I however do not recommend CommMG... while it works pretty well gps wise, any type of usb issue will cause vistumbler to crash (it is quite annoying)

The other option, Netcomm OCX, I find is the best and it wouldn't have an issue with your higher com port. For that you first need to install Netcomm OCX from ( ). Install the "Updated installer for Windows 7" and that should work great with your gps the way it is.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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So I change to Port5 and after replugin in the open the Port and in the GPS Window I see the Messages but nothing get "decoded".

The same for Netcomm OCX. Well its just for x32? Does I have to restart my Pc to geting working?
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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OMG it seem to work on my Tablet with the external USB Mouse (the same I tried on my Pc).
Sadly the internal GPS dont work (anymore). Everything is insane now... I will try it out and post the results later.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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NetcommOCX works with x64 Windows 10, that is what I am using it with. I should update the note that says x32 only since that is no longer true since they updated the NetcommOCX installer.

For the internal GPS, vistumbler doesn't support those without something that will show it as a com port. When I had a tablet with an internal GPS I used a program for this called Centrafuse Localizer, but they seem to have gone out of business. This program sounds close ( (GpsReverse)), but I not longer have any hardware to test if it would work for you. ublox may also have a virtual comm port driver (if you can find it, I think I had trouble before)

Really, Vistumbler is starting to show its age. It was made before the Windows Location platform. I have gone and tried to find a way to support the windows location platform with autoit, but so far i haven't had any luck, so right now you have to use the old school COM port way.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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I just wanted to note, I think I have fixed the issue that makes Kernel32 mode not work above COM9, so that should no longer be an issue. I have also updated the text in the gui to remove the x32 tag.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Do you have a Link? Ant ith the current Version the GPS still not Work. Why there cant decode I dont know!
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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It should come though auto update as "Vistumbler 10.7 Beta 7" now, as long as you are in the beta track in Settings -> Misc Settings -> Update. You could also download the vistumbler.exe from ... umblerMDB/ and place it in your directory if you don't get the update.

I really doubt in will fix your issue though. It sounds to me that vistumbler is connecting to your gps properly. If you are seeing data come in on the GPS Details window I mention, the connection is working. However unless you are in view of the sky, you arn't likely to get a fix. a 3d fix requires a view of at least 3 satalites, and it is usually hard to get that indoors where your desktop probably is. Regular gps isn't wifi or network assisted like the phone locations are, so you really need that view of the sky.

If you are sure the GPS is getting a fix, since i know you said it was working in ucenter, the next step may be to try and log what you are getting from the GPS so I can look at in and see whats going on. I think I have a program around that I made for that in the past, so let me see if i can find it.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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I looked for the GPS Logger I mentioned and I found the post I was thinking of, but it looks like the code was no longer there. I decided instead of re-creating it I would just add in into Vistumbler. Starting with 'Vistumbler 10.7 Beta 9' there is now a new "GPS Logging" options in (Settings -> GPS Settings) which let you save the raw gps nmea data vistumbler is getting to a file.

If you could enable this feature and run it for a minute, you should get your gps nmea sentences logged to the text file you set (default: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\Vistumbler\gps_nmea_log.txt). In that data, Vistumbler only uses the ones that start with GPGGA and GPRMC.

Could you give the above a try in Kernel32 mode and give me an example of what you are seeing in gps_nmea_log.txt?
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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well the correct one is:

Code: Select all

Could you give the above a try in Kernel32 mode and give me an example of what you are seeing in gps_nmea_log.txt?
I send you a PM. I have 2 Receiver one internal in the Tablet (ublox) who work!!! Vistumbler show the possition with the internal.

With the external the dont work! I use the Disable Modus in the Flight Mode to disable the internal one. Do you think that have an impact on the external?!
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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I can see what the problem is. Vistumbler is looking for a GPGGA string but your internal GPS is not sending those. Instead it is sending a GNGGA string.

Looking what the difference between GPGGA and GNGGA, it looks like it happens when you have a gps the supports multiple constellations (ex. gps and glonass).

From your example, you can see the strings are pretty much the same, so I should be able to add support for them. my only worry is that 0000 in the checksum at the end.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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I pushed 10.7 Beta 10 with an attempt to support the GNGGA strings. let me know if that works.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

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Yes thanks it sound good! It seem to work. Maybe tomorrow I will start (again) the hunt for Wifis.
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Re: GPS Read Dysfunction in Windows 10 Pro

Post by ACalcutt »

Glad it helped. I really need to make a production release soon so people not using the beta can get these new features.
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