OK. Back to the Alfa 2000mW :) I have now tested this unit and found it to be Extreamly sensitive I run a test first using my Alfa 1000mW and found 31 Aps Then i run a test using the new Alfa 2000mW and that found 51 Aps :D This test i did using the Antenne that i have here on the forum ( Do ot your...
And now the New ALFA AWUS036NHR 2000mW :D Tests to follow :wink: ------------- Standards Wireless: IEEE 802.11b/g/n Data Rate 802.11b: UP to 11Mbps : UP to 54Mbps 802.11n: UP to 150Mbps OS Supported Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 Mac 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 Support S/W AP Interface USB 2.0 mini USB Antenna Typ...
Yes as i said i normaly use the Avira ( from Tettnang ) Its one of the best ( thumbs Up )
But as its on my test PC i have the AVG on test.
Never the less ( andy ) please check it.
Then let us know.
PS. maybe it was pferland trying to get into my PC.
Hallo All :wink: Just made a few tests on the new Alfa TUBE (G) :thumbdown: Its not up to the same % of Power as the Alfa 1000 and its a bit on the big side. But if some of you are interested then take a look here > http://www.yatow.de/WLAN-Clients/Outdoor-USB-Adapter/ALFA-Outdoor-Tube-U-N.html You ...
Sorry Andy had no time to come back to you and then you were down.
So it was on my Windows 7 64bit using a Free AV = AVG Free.
It came up with 3 warnings
1x Virus
2x Trojaner
But i know you dont use such things
You can get it from most of the Do.It.Yourself. ( D.I.Y.) Shops.
It comes with 3 suckers you will have to cut it yourself. ( no big problem )
or you might try the Glass Shop in your Area.
Hallo Andy Yes i am going Blind :lol: but after you said ( Settings --> Auto Sort (signal - descending ) i tried it but must say it is a bit on the rough side. Getting readings like 71% 90% 88% 86% 45% 60% and so on so i think you might be able to better it :idea: PS. did you read that what i put in...
Hello Andy
Just in case i am missing something can it be done that the best Signal is at the Top and the lowest at the Bottom.
ie. signal stepping
100% on top and 0% at the bottom
Maybe you add this into the Option block.
Hello Phil JA winter is nearly Over and i just woke up :mrgreen: Seems your getting hit by some Joker. ( Filter ) should do it. :wink: ------------- So back to my last Thread on New Adapter ( 2000 ) Run a test using my Roof Antenne ( Rundstrahler ) 15db Stick. All tests made on the same Stick @4min ...
Tryed to download it over the net direct online. But it just bugged out at the last moment.
Will now try it this way Download the exe and install it then try for Update.
Will let you know as soon as i get time.
sorry Andy, i had to find the Hole ( open line ) to be able to get back to you. Yes the Blue Line that lights up the AP that you are on. But you don't have to change the color. Just make it , or join it that the lenth is ( about the Signal Strenth ) That way you can see how good it is at one look. N...
Hello Andy. :D Logged in from Sardinia ( Holiday ) nice wether shame you and phill arn't here. But somebody has to do the work. :lol: just had a thought about that Signal Strength , we have the Blue line and the Strength Speaking. So how about converting the Blue line to show the amount of Signal. :...
Hey mystic Twitter is that not one of those ( Dirty ) old film networks :mrgreen: Naja good to hear that your stiil up and about. I did a search for you and came across you on Twitter but thats NOT the place for me. :lol: So as long as you are OK then i will leave it at that. Off on Holiday next ( m...
Well Andy you could send him an E-Mail ( must be reged )The poor man might have fallen down in all that Snow and without his GPS how(s) he gonna get back here.
Just to put our minds at rest
@pferland Can you not try Tracking :mrgreen: Maybe you can find him that way. :wink: But he did say something about his wife having to go to Hospital ( i think ) or maybe rehab. Well maybe he will lookin some time later. Just would like to know that he is OK. By the way Alfa has a new 2000er and it ...
Yes the problem is the damd Winter it seems to be the same on most of the forums :D But as he was one of our most active Blabbers ( outside me ) i just wunderd what had happen to him. Hope nothing bad like picked up from the fbi :mrgreen: running round with big Antennes you can get yourself looked i...
The Problem with Windows 7 is it has two parts to it, one under windows7 64bit and one under windows7 32bit. It seems to me that by putting it under C: you or it is the setting it up in the 32bit part. ( not true w7 ) i found a small proggi that helps setup things in windows 7 > Enter > HDWWIZ.EXE n...
Hello All Sorry that i haven't been here for a few Day's ( Week's ) but have just had much to much to do. So with that i will wish everybody here on the Forum a Very Merry Christmas :thumbup: and don't let the Beer make your head go :spin: Happy Christmas to all. PS. Father Christmas is coming and m...
Hallo @BoBeR And yes i was running one of those Alfa500 see Pics from me. Now gone over to the new Alfa1000 :D So i left you also a link. http://www.yatow.de/shop/index.php/cPath/21_94?osCsid=1e8795970a5f99f9abd9a9e397087d67 Not got to the stage of mysticvirgo67 for Wardriving but will try and pull-...
@mysticvirgo67 ( sure got quiet ) Yes XMAS onthe way :D @Andrew Ye and my PC has been giving me some funny things since i installed the New Vistumbler. :mrgreen: But it just gets better every day. :wink: @pferland Will try and send you some AP(s) from this side of the World next. That is if you don'...
Hey mysticvirgo67 i might get away with that here on my Campervan but if you came to this sideof the world they would lock you up and through the key away
Nice Pic(s)
The faster you need a hardcopy, the more people will be using the only office printer. Is truth... happenned to me constantly when I used to be a bank file clerk. Would get me in trouble with the manager And you tell us you Don't have any Money :mrgreen: :lol: PS. been up to my ears in work, no tim...
A simple system that works will probably work with most people, if you make it more complicated how will i cope with this. :mrgreen: A complicated system can only be used by a few, so here you have limmeted your people, that lets me out of it. But a simple system that can do every thing can even be ...