User logins and Mysticache

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User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

So I have been working on adding user based logins to the database.
To start, you would click on the "Login" link on the upper right hand side of the page.
login_link.PNG (2.48 KiB) Viewed 22763 times
Once you click that, you will be brought to the Login page,
login_page.PNG (43.64 KiB) Viewed 22763 times
If you dont have a login, click the "Create a user account" link.
Which will bring you here:
login_create.PNG (43.4 KiB) Viewed 22763 times
And once you are done with that and click "Create me"
you should be brought to a page that looks like so:
login_created.PNG (45.98 KiB) Viewed 22763 times

Once you are logged in you should see some basic info in the upper right hand side of the page now, were the "Login" link used to be.
logged_in.PNG (2.09 KiB) Viewed 22763 times
Then you can user the user you just created to log into WiFiDB and do pretty much nothing right now...

besides when you go to import a VS1 file the username field is now filled in with your user name for you.
imports.PNG (11.14 KiB) Viewed 22763 times

Support for Mysicache is coming very soon,
I plan on having a Global Public Cache table and a Private User Cache table.
The Users can choose to share a cache that they have in their private table to the public, or remove one afterwards.

Will update with more when i come up with it.

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Re: User logins and Mysicache

Post by pferland »

OK so I have the basics of the Mysticache support down. there is an import function to take the GPX files, it reads the

Code: Select all

<wpt lat="37.251683" lon="-121.01115">
    <desc>Where Boys Are Mean To Ducks by CentralCArn, Traditional Cache (1.5/1.5)</desc>
    <urlname>Where Boys Are Mean To Ducks</urlname>
    <type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
Then it ignores all other tags in the file.
As Andrew was saying he wants to add the (Difficulty, Terrain, Cache Type, Author) fields, I will add them in as he finalizes his file format.
There is a a function to add a private Geocache to the global public table, a function to update the details of the geocache in the private table that also updates the respective public share if it is enabled. There is also a function to remove the geocache from the public table.

Still to be done:
Import from LOC file.
Make the web page front end and all the GUI features.
A remove Geocache from private (and public if enabled) tables.
Export Geocaches in all or selected to KML, GPX, LOC, CSV.

i hope im not missing anything, im sure i am, but it can wait till tomorrow.....damn i couldnt find a ZzzzZzzZzz smiley... all well
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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

Well did some more work on the Mysticache today. Polished off the Import, share_wpt, remove_share_wpt, and update_wpt functions.
Also made a basic front end for the Mysticache Waypoints.
1) Main page for Mysticache Waypoints
2) A list all Waypoints
3) Import Waypoints page

To Get to the Users Control Panel, go to the top right of the page and click on your Username:
CPanel.PNG (1.87 KiB) Viewed 22754 times
You will be brought to the Control Panel Overview page:
CPanel_main.PNG (17.42 KiB) Viewed 22754 times
Now Click on the Mysticache tab:
CPanel_mcache.PNG (13.42 KiB) Viewed 22754 times
If you click on the link that says "List All of my GeoCaches" you will get this:
CPanel_mcache_list.PNG (35.2 KiB) Viewed 22754 times
If you want to Import some Caches, click on the "Import Mysticache GPX file" link you will get this page:
CPanel_mcache_import.PNG (15.68 KiB) Viewed 22754 times
and after you import is successful you should get a page similar to this one:
CPanel_mcache_imported.PNG (13.79 KiB) Viewed 22754 times

Still lost more to come, still need to drastically refine the Front end, and also make the Public share cache page.

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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by mysticvirgo67 »

That is frikin awsome Phil!! Take a brake and enjoy a cookie!
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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

i wish i had some more cookies :(
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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

Added sub-menus to the Mysticache tab, along with coloring to the link of the tab and sub-menus.
CPanel_mcache_new.PNG (14.48 KiB) Viewed 22745 times
Added sorting in the list all, and pages, similar to the All APs page.
CPanel_mcache_new_list.PNG (54.16 KiB) Viewed 22745 times
And a page to edit them.
CPanel_mcache_edit.PNG (30.3 KiB) Viewed 22745 times
Delete Geocache page still needs to be made. Started modifying the AP Fetch page to be a Cache Fetch page(not done yet).

still more


also change the version to "0.17 Build 1"
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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

oh and if any one wants to try this out while I add things in and fix stuff thats broken, this code is being run over at
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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

So I took the weekend off and did absolutely nothing, besides playing spore.
But I did do a few things last night and before the weekend.

I have added a new section to the content menu on the left for Mysticache
When you are not logged in it will look like the one on the left, if you are logged in, the right.
content.PNG (11.34 KiB) Viewed 22737 times
Changed how the login information looks, it is no longer on the top right hand side, it is now a row between the Title table and the content table on both the Vistumbler and WiFIDB themes.
wifi_theme_login.PNG (19.25 KiB) Viewed 22737 times
vistumbler_theme_login.PNG (19.95 KiB) Viewed 22737 times
I revised how the List all Geocaches looks, and feels, not too much.
The Hide/Share column no longer has a checkbox. The button is all that is needed. Also on success of share/hide it redirects you back to the list all page, unless there is an error which it will not, and will show you the error.
revised_listall.PNG (52.37 KiB) Viewed 22737 times
Also started working on the Shared Public Cache page.
shared_cache.PNG (49.47 KiB) Viewed 22737 times
And the Geocache Import page, this one is still temporary, and i would like to add more to it.
There are also Links next to each Import type to see what a sample of the file format looks like.
import_cache.PNG (37.89 KiB) Viewed 22737 times

That's about it for now.
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Re: User logins and Mysticache

Post by pferland »

Hows this Andrew?
Revised Vistumbler theme login
Revised Vistumbler theme login
vistumbler_theme_login2.PNG (44.93 KiB) Viewed 22735 times
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